We want to enable future generations to live in an intact environment and make our contribution to a socially oriented society.
Within the framework of our Corporate Social Responsibility, it is therefore a matter of concern to us to operate sustainably and to offer our employees a secure job. Above all, however, we would like to ensure that our worldwide customers produce more sustainably with WEKO products. Our contactless minimal application systems are an essential tool for this.
It is important to us to let others share in our success and therefore we support organizations through donations or our membership. We assume social responsibility at our sites and support local regional projects.
In 2024 we donated to the following organizations:
Ärzte ohne Grenzen, Kinderheim Girasol Brasilien, Adventsweg Förderverein Grundschule HZ & Stay Baumpflanz-Aktion
The following projects and organizations are regularly supported by us:

stay - Stiftung für multiplikative Entwicklung
African social entrepreneurs know best what helps the poorest in their home countries. With this knowledge, Stay supports local entrepreneurs who create local jobs so that the workforce can “stay” in the region! Link

Leinfelden-Echterdingen hilft - TANSANIA-SPENDE
The money will be used to install a new water pump in Tanzania, solar powered of course, to better supply the hospital with water. Link

Förderverein Girassol e.V.
The support association Girassol e.V. is committed to helping children and young people from destitute backgrounds in São Paulo/Brazil. All donations go 100% to the social project SBA GIRASSOL Kids/Pro.

Sportverein Heiligenzimmern
No other sport, like soccer, connects people worldwide. What is good for the world is even more good for the region. True to our motto “WEKO - working regionally, active worldwide”, we promote ourselves nationally with the Sportverein Heiligenzimmern!

HdM Förderverein
In times of increasingly tight public budgets, we support students at the Hochschule HdM with academic projects, procurement of materials or study trips.

Technische Akademie Esslingen

refa - berufliche Weiterbildung
Qualification is the key to success. Link

WEKO supports the JGS sponsoring group so that media technologist printing can continue to be trained and further educated on the latest technology in the future.

Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V.
The AFBW Alliance of Fiber-Based Materials is one of the most powerful networks in Europe. WEKO promotes innovations and their transfer in this important future segment of technical materials.

Südwest Textil
Association of the Southwest German Textile and Clothing Industry

VDMA e. V.
WEKO is a long-standing member of the VDMA and appreciates the expertise of the most diverse contacts in all WEKO -relevant industries