with added value
with added value
“High production reliability and low use of contract media through constant innovation and individual adaptation to your requirements”. This is the basic idea that shapes our work and our products.
We are Engaged for our Kids Outlook!
Using our resources sparingly and sustainably is not only ecologically sensible, but also a basic prerequisite for securing the future of our children. Natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce due to globalization and must therefore be used carefully. At WEKO, we therefore take care in all business areas to avoid the unnecessary use of raw materials.
Above all, our minimum order systems make an important contribution to the responsible use of resources and our environment. With extremely small quantities of already 0.1 ml or 0.1 g per m², our products are able to produce very exact and replicable results. Due to the recirculation system in liquid applications, they are used again and again and not wasted.
In our car fleet, we pay attention to a sensible energy mix and increasingly rely on electromobility for short- and medium-range vehicles. We have installed charging stations at all our German sites. We also actively promote the ownership of electric bicycles by our employees in order to make a contribution to reducing the use of automobiles.
We cover 100% of our electricity needs with green power. In 2022, our photovoltaic system at the Heiligenzimern site was expanded, which now enables us to generate more electricity ourselves than is consumed at the site. The energy from our green section is also utilized and used for the production of animal feed in a cooperation with local farmers.
With a view to our own company and our products, we are constantly developing new ideas for the daily requirements and the future of future generations.